
Edudzi Adodo was born during a thunderstorm (as people with websites about themselves invariably all are) the 12 December 1988 at 12 minutes past 12.  As Edudzi was being born, the clouds parted and a succession of rainbows, appeared across the sky.

At the very same moment, Michael Jackson performed his moonwalk for the first time.  In the same moment a baseball game between the Red Sox and the Yankees caused NASA researchers at Nasa headquarters to miss-not for the first time- a message from …

Children of Stardust





Zero Adedji dreams of joining one of the Saba guilds—groups of intergalactic travelers who explore space, retrieve lost treasures, and hunt down criminals. Instead, he must scrape by as a guide to travelers stranded on his home planet of Anansi 12. Then he meets Wanderblatch, a strange creature with an even stranger object: a golden pyramid that houses a legendary Kobasticker called the Jupiter. When the Jupiter chooses Zero as its next host, he is recruited by a top Saba guild so he can harness his newfound powers….